I am wanting to take up cello but I am a student and I dont have a lot of extra cash. Is there anywhere I can get a good starter Cello without spending a lot of money
In this video, we learn how to play the cello with range and clefs. With the cello, you have the C string, the G string, the D string, and the A string. This is just like the viola and violin, just an octave lower. You will read in three different clefs. The tenor clef looks similar to the alto clef but the middle C is in the middle of the clef. As you get above the staff, you will get to treble clef. The main clef will be the base clef, but try using the treble clef for a melodic tune that...
If you are interested in playing the cello, check out our expert with these cello basics in this free music lesson video series on a beautiful string instrument.
Watch this instructional cello playing video that explores the mechanics of playing the vibrato on the cello. The vibrato is an advanced function on the cello that will take a lot of time to master. This tutorial introduces the basic motions to help develop vibrato and aid beginners with their cello skills.
This short instructional cello playing video shows you how to position the left hand on the cello. When playing the cello, you want to assume a certain form with the left hand. Everything builds off the first finger. This tutorial offers great tips and techniques for beginners learning the cello.
This instructional cello video explains the art of practice and how to effectively practice the cello in a musical way. It is important to spend some quiet time with the cello alone. The golden rule of practice is to take less material and to slow it down. This tutorial also offers a few basic principles for beginners that will help them improve their cello skills.
This short instructional cello playing video explains a few basic techniques on how to shift on the cello. Shifting is the method in which you go from one position to another. This tutorial covers helpful mechanics for beginning cello players.
Check out this instructional cello video to learn how to have perfect thumb position while playing the cello. Thumb position is involved when you play on the upper part of the cello. This tutorial offers great tips and techniques for beginning cello players.
Watch this instructional cello playing video to learn how to create a sound on the cello. The sound production is composed of the various elements used to create the sound on the cello. There are three variables that determine the kind of sound produced: how much weight will you put into the string, the speed of the bow, where you put the bow. This tutorial is great for beginning cello players.
Watch this instructional cello video to learn how to hold the cello in good posture. When sitting down to play the cello, you want to sit at the edge of the chair keeping your lower back aligned with the rest of your back. This tutorial provides great tips for beginning cello players.
Check out this instructional cello playing video to learn how to create legato, or long sounds, on the cello. One of the great challenges cellists encounter is the ability to make smooth changes when changing the direction of the bow. Once you're comfortable with détaché without accents, try to eliminate the gap between the notes. This tutorial is great for beginning cello players.
This instructional cello video explains the mechanics of the right arm when playing the cello. The right arm is what creates the sound on the cello. This tutorial also offers a few basic principles to help practice your cello playing skills.
Check out this instructional cello playing video to learn how to create short cello notes. When creating a short note on the cello, divide the note into two sections. This tutorial recommends practicing with a few martele exercises until you're comfortable making short notes on the cello.
In this instructional cello video, learn how to make smooth string crossings on the cello. When going from one string to another, you don't want any accents. You want this to be as smooth and seamless as possible. This cello tutorial also provides a couple of exercises to practice making smooth string crossings.
Watch this instructional cello playing video to learn how to space your fingers evenly on the cello for the beginners. The second and third fingers tend to be too close together but the Spock sign usually ameliorates this. The tutorial also offers effective alternative solutions to help the finger spacing. This is a great video for beginning cello performers and enthusiasts.
This how to video gives you a description of cello vibrato technique by Jamie Fiste, Cello Professor from Central Michigan University. This technique is easy to master and will improve your cello playing. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play vibrato on your cello.
This tutorial teaches you how to warm up your cello playing for an audition. By working the "pulling" muscles of your left hand you will create stronger more precise fingers, like "core training" for your hand. When you add these variations you will wake up and warm up your brain, open up new connections by challenging the coordination between your left and right hands. Watch this how to video and you will improve your cello playing with these warm up exercises.
In this instructional clip, you'll learn how to most effectively teach the vibrato playing technique to novice cello players through use of the "robot wave" method. This tutorial will also be of use to students of the cello are themselves looking to master the vibrato technique.
Wish your violin were bigger? This brief tutorial video describes basic left-hand cello technique for violinists. The key tips are as follows: (1) reduce pronation; (2) keep your thumb to the left side of the neck; (3) watch the base of your knuckles; and (4) try to avoid curving your fingers overly. For further details watch this how-to!
Give your bow hand a workout! In this tutorial video, Erik Friedlander demonstrates the "spider," a simple right-hand coordination exercise popular in music schools. Watch this how-to and get a-crawling!
Take a bow. This brief video tutorial demonstrates how to use your thumb and pointer finger to form a basic cello hold while familiarizing you with some of the more common pitfalls among cello novices.
Ensure smooth connections on your cello with a loose bow hand. This how-to video demonstrates how to utilize a loose bow hold on the cello and includes exercises for loose finger motion.
Learn how to do the wiper exercise on the cello with this tutorial. This exercise to help strengthen the right hand for cello playing. This will improve your grip and your sound. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play the wiper exercise on the cello.
Learn how to do the slide stretch exercise for the left hand with this tutorial. This exercise is great for stretching and strengthening your hands for the cello. Watch this how to video and you will be able to perform the stretch slide exercise.
This how to video shows an easy way to make sure you're gripping the bow properly when playing the cello. This technique makes playing the cello easier and more comfortable. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play the cello with proper bow technique.
This how to video focuses on left hand techniques for the cello. This exercise increases flexibility & strength in your cello playing. Watch this how to video and you will be able play left hand exercises on the cello.
Learn how to exercise the bow hand with this cello tutorial. This exercise strengthens your bow hand and keep that right hand strong and relaxed at the same time. Watch this how to video and you will be able to play the squid exercise on your cello.
Learn how to play pizzicato on the cello with this tutorial. This lesson teaches you music theory basics. Watch this how to video and you will be able play pizzicato notes on your cello.
In this tutorial you will learn a deceptively simple exercise that will give you more control over your bow arm. The bow is where we create most of our expressivity so more control means more ability to shape the sound of what you play. Watch this how to video and you will be able to learn proper cello bow control.
Justin Cantor discusses how to develop a good tone on the cello. Several techniques to get a range of sounds are discussed along with the variables, bow speed, pressure and contact point.
This video is a demonstration of proper shifting technique on the cello. Learn the different hand shifting methods: The underhand and the overhand. Each movement is broken down and explained in detail.
This video is a demonstration of how to develop the ability to play in thumb position on cello. Many practical tips are given for practicing and performing.
Justin Cantor demonstrates proper left hand position on the Cello. Each motion and placement is broken down and explained in detail. Vibrato and other techniques are discussed as well.
In this series of videos, learn more about the cello from an expert cellist! Learn the basics such as how to hold the cello and identify the different parts of the instrument. You will need to know where the scroll, the peg box and the bridge are located on your cello. You can learn how to play the cello using the bow or by plucking the strings in these videos. Get further information on tuning, storing and caring for your instrument from our expert. Get tips on playing scales and how to play...